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Shotokan Karate originated in Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. It was popularized in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi in the 1950s. The name “Shotokan” comes from the name “Shoto,” which was Funakoshi’s pen name, meaning ‘waving or billowing pine’. Shotokan Karate is a traditional martial art. This means that improvements in character and mental discipline are as important as physical skill, if not more so.

Shotokan Karate is meant to be accessible to all, including, women, children, and those with or without great athletic ability. Nihon Shotokan Sports Karate Organisation (NSSKO) offers a caring, safe environment where children and adults can learn the art of karate.

Its practice leads to:

  • Muscular and Aerobic fitness
  • Body alignment, balance and movement
  • Increased perceptual awareness
  • Stress management
  • Concentration, confidence and discipline


A typical class at our dojo consists of Kihon (basic techniques – blocks, punches, kicks, and footwork), Kata (forms- pre-arranged series of techniques designed to teach specific concepts and applications), Kumite (sparring – both free sparring and sparring with specific constraints, always with the student of the utmost concern), and Fitness & Flexibility (strength, endurance, and mobility exercises to assist in the development of overall karate skills).